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Understanding conflicted family systems through a developmental lens:
How do I get refueled?

B.D. Garber, Ph.D. 10.09.2024

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This one-hour advanced training
discusses attachment theory as it applies
to both Parenting Plan Evaluations (PPE)
and professional self-care in terms of emotional refueling.

Click to access PowerPoint handout
(Click the image to access the PP handout)

Participants will:
  • NOT be introduced to attachment theory. Those basics are presumed. Please see Dr. Garber's 09.14.2021 AFCC webinar for basics Access prior webinar
  • Approach PPE inquiries trying to understand how each child gets emotionally refueled and whether and how each adult is able to provide the child that fuel
  • Begin to think about self-care in this very stressful profession in terms of one's own emotional refueling.

The information contained in and linked from this website is generic. It must not be construed as constituting legal, psychological, educational, or medical advice. Decisions relevant to any specific individual, relationship, or family should be based on the considered opinions of professionals familiar with the unique culture, resources, strengths, and needs of those affected.

(c) 2023 Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D. All rights reserved.