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Upcoming Trainings
About BDG
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Upcoming training
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Dr. Garber provides continuing education training to educators, mental health, legal, and family law professionals around the world. Format (in-person, live video feed, or video-recorded), duration (two-day, one-day, keynote, or brief), and topic vary by audience need, timing, and resources.

Dr. Garber uses PowerPoint(TM) uniquely to capture complex concepts as easily understood visual metaphors. His presentations are entertaining, engaging, challenging, and practical. Across topics and settings and modalities, Dr. Garber's goal is to improve participants' here-and-now, hands-on ability to better understand and serve the needs of children.

Participants in upcoming trainings are encouraged to access conference-specific materials in advance of the conference date. These materials will remain available through the conference date for on-site access and following the conference date depending on the host's preferences.

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Is your group planning a continuing education training? Dr. Garber will be glad to discuss possible formats, topics, and how best to engage and educate your targeted audience.

Costs will include travel, room,and board when appropriate to format . Dr. Garber's stipend will depend on your group's resources, how much time will be required in preparation and how much time will be necessary away from the office.

When Dr. Garber travels to conduct trainings, its often cost-efficient to schedule an advanced small group consultation prior to and/or following the large group event.

Examples of past trainings follow:

Resist/Refuse Dynamics
and the Polarized Child

Dr. Garber introduces an evaluative rubric that helps to minimize bias, avoid premature closure, and assure taht the full spectrum of dynamics and practical pressures are examined. The "Five Factor Model" is critiqued as biased and circular.

Sampling Relationship Dynamics:
Considering the goals and methods of behavioral observations in CCEs

Evaluators are expected to rely upon diverse methods. This full day training examines how best to realistically sample family relationships, emphasizing a process-oriented protocol.


Dynamics, not Diagnoses:
Focusing the family law lens on relationship "fit"

Mental health professionals working in family law routinely drag the baggage inherited from the medical model into the fray. Family law is about relationship dynamics, not individual diagnoses. Of particular interest is the argument against the use of individual adult psychometrics in family law matters.

Structure diminishes Anxiety:
Assessing and imposing roles, limits, boundaries, and routines in conflicted family systems

Understanding the structures that define each family, the structures that define your practice, and the structures inherent in the judicial system is critical to our success as family law professionals.

Resilience-informed Family Law:
Building Parenting Plans on Systemic Strengths

Child Custody Evaluations (CCEs) and litigation focused on weakness, failures, and pathology rewards the least detrimental parent and leaves the family system in shreds. Focusing the process on strengths and resilience genuinely works in the best interests of each child.

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Dr. Garber is the proud creator and director of DefuseDivorce.com,
the place that parents go to put their children's needs first.
DefuseDivorce.com provides online education,
orientation, and resources to divorcing parents.

Research in medicine, nursing, dentistry, public health, psychotherapy
and numerous other fields has demonstrated that advance orientation
improves outcomes, efficiency, efficacy, and consumer satisfaction.

DefuseDivorce.com brings the many benefits of
advance consumer orientation to family law.

Read more here Read
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How do divorcing parents find DefuseDivorce.com?

Courts order custody litigants to complete specific DefuseDivorce.com programs because
advance orientation improves the efficacy and efficiency of interventions and evaluations.

Evaluators require parents to complete specific DefuseDivorce.com programs because
advance orientation diminishes anxiety and thereby
improves the ecological validity of the data collected.

Clinicians refer court-involved clients to DefuseDivorce.com because
educated consumers are more likely to feel heard, are more satisfied, and
are less likely to suffer the stresses of litigation.

Court-involved parents refer themselves to DefuseDivorce.com because
education, orientation, and resources benefit their children.

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DefuseDivorce.com hosts narrated video programming online
created by family law experts
from around the world
on critical topics in family law including:

Advance orientation for parents who are
court-ordered to participate in
parenting plan evaluation (PPE).
This one-hour program diminishes anxiety,
improves satisfaction, and can make PPE
more effective and efficient.

Preparing for Parenting
                                          Plan Evaluation (PPE)

When parents separate or divorce,
children can become polarized, siding with one parent
and resisting or refusing contact with the other.
This program introduces that many variables
that must be understood in order to
help the child enjoy a healthy relationship
with both parents.

Why won't my children
                                          spend time with me?

Divorcing parents face life-changing decisions.
This one-hour orientation helps parents better understand what to tell the kids, how much to tell the kids,
when and where and how to tell the kids

What to tell the

Go to DefuseDivorce.com

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The information contained in and linked from this website is generic. It must not be construed as constituting legal, psychological, educational, or medical advice. Decisions relevant to any specific individual, relationship, or family should be based on the considered opinions of professionals familiar with the unique culture, resources, strengths, and needs of those affected.

(c) 2024 Benjamin D. Garber, Ph.D. All rights reserved.